Thursday, October 06, 2005

GPB is off and rolling....

So, Sonya and Adrien went to their first volunteer recruitment meeting tonight at the new "Citizens Headquarters" for the Bachelet campaign on calle Bellavista 078. It was informative and a great place to network with some of the main people in charge of different areas -- We found out each Saturday there are groups of campaigners that go into various comunas in the city and sponsor service/entertainment parties to get to know the people and talk about Bachelet. There are also activities going door-to-door promoting Bachelet, as well as sitting at tables all over town to sign up volunteers...

On Wednesday night, Erin, Adrien and Sonya tried to go to the first Mujeres con Bachelet meeting, but it was instead held informally in Plaza Italia as a rally promoting Bachelet and celebrating the 17th anniversary of the "No" vote that brought down Pinochet in 1988. We got to know a few of the women from that network and are invited every Wednesday night from 7-9 to participate in their meetings...

FYI: we have this blogsite starting (more as an external promotional tool for those interested in what we are doing) as well as an email address to check for the activities that will be happening week-to-week... so everyone can access the email and be informed... or give it out to those who might be interested in joining up with us! It is:


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